John Jones (Jac Glan-y-gors)

John Jones (10 November 1766 – 21 May 1821), better known by his bardic name Jac Glan-y-gors, was a Welsh language satirical poet and radical pamphleteer, born in Cerrigydrudion, Denbighshire, north Wales.

Jac Glan-y-gors was an accomplished and natural prose writer although his output was small. His best known prose works are Seren Tan Gwmmwl and Toriad y Dydd, political tracts addressed to the Welsh people which reflect the radical ideals of Tom Payne and the author's Welsh patriotism.

His poetical output is more considerable and includes the poem entitled Cerdd Dic Siôn Dafydd (Dic Siôn Dafydd - Richard son of John son of David - is the name given to a Welshman who despises his language and who imitates the English. Dic Siôn Dafydd left Wales and became a draper in London; his pomposity led him to claim that he had forgotten how to speak Welsh, and on a visit to his mother in Wales who spoke only Welsh he insisted on speaking English). The poem lampoons those of the upwardly-mobile Welsh in London who turned their backs on their country and language in order to inveigle themselves to the English. It became one of the most familiar Welsh poems of the 19th century and is still appreciated today. The eponymous 'Dic Siôn Dafydd' has entered the Welsh language as a derogative term for any Welsh person of a similar nature, rather like "Uncle Tom" in relation to Afro-Americans.
